HCV Landlord Information

We welcome any new Landlords into our HCV program.

The Housing Authority of Lackawanna County (HACL) provides rent subsidy to eligible, extremely low and very low-income families through the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Under the Housing Choice Voucher Program families initially pay no more than 40% of their monthly adjusted income toward rent and utilities.

HACL makes a housing assistance payment (HAP) for the remaining portion of the agreed-upon rent directly to the landlord. Payments are deposited on the first business of the month by direct deposit.greenline2

All Landlords (after contacting the HCV dept. for their temporary password) can click the link below to get an accounting of any funds given to them.


Payment Standards are used to calculate the maximum amount of housing subsidy HACL will pay on behalf of a family. The Payment Standard used in the calculation is based on the family’s voucher size, or unit size chosen if the unit is a lower bedroom size than the bedroom size on the voucher.

Payment Standards are derived from the Fair Market Rents (FMRs) for the area (per HUD) and can be between 90% and 110% of the posted FMR. Anything outside that range must be pre-approved by HUD.

Fair Market Rent (FMR) is a combination of rent and tenant-paid utilities used in the determination of Payment Standards for participants in the HCV Program. FMRs are adjusted annually by HUD to reflect the area’s current market rents.



Forms commonly used by the HCV Dept can be found by clicking the link below:

  “Forms page”

Any future (or current) Landlord with any questions can contact:
Frank Scalzo (570) 489-3972 Ext. 326, email: fscalzo@hacl.org

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