Lackawanna County Housing has 19 Developments. They are located throughout the county. See our “Developments” page to look at a breakdown of each one.
All our developments have a PHM (Public Housing Manager) assigned to them. Schedules vary so call (570-342-7629) for more information on this.
A maintenance staff member is also assigned to our developments. Any resident can call in with a work order request. When you are being enrolled as a resident by the PHM you will be given a number to call for any maintenance needs in your unit.
When you become a resident you will be given a lease to sign. You will also receive a complete breakdown and papers of what is expected of you as a resident and what is expected of the Housing Authority as the Landlord.
Public Housing residents must meet certain income requirements you can see the chart of these requirements on this web site under the Income Levels menu option. Some of our sites are strictly for the elderly (62+), you must be this age to move into one of these sites.
Our family sites have 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms. We even have some studio apartments for those residents that would like a small functional unit. The bedroom size you are eligible for depends on the number of family members, their ages, and gender.
The HA maintains safe and affordable developments. HUD’s policy of “one strike and you’re out” is strictly enforced. Every resident who may be served a breach of lease has every opportunity to air their side of the story, however, we will always consider the safety of all of our residents.
There are activities that we encourage all our residents to take advantage of within the County and some co-sponsored by our Authority . They range from informational workshops about resources available within the County for you, to activities for your children that are age appropriate. See the Residents menu option.