Our Taylor Developments are on Little League Blvd., and Kennedy Blvd. They are adjacent to one another off Schlager Street in Taylor. For general directions they are are across from the Walmart off Main Avenue, which runs through West Side of Scranton into Taylor and Old Forge, behind the Price Chopper.
There is also a day care center within the site.
They have retail stores, pharmacies, grocery store, and schools within walking distance. There is a playground across the street from the sites along with a basketball court and baseball field. The site is family oriented, however, we have many seniors that live here and enjoy the accessibility to the bus routes and community groups.
There is minimal traffic in the area and they are set in the middle of a residential community.
The bedroom make up of the developments are:
- 0 bedroom (studio apt.) 46
- 1 bedroom 44
- 2 bedrooms 24
- 3 bedrooms 34
- 4 bedrooms 12
There are very good schools in the area. Taylor is part of the Riverside School District.
The phone number for the site is: (570)346-2231.
If you have any questions about this site, any other site or the application process, please go to the Application page on this site or send an email to: HALackawanna@hacl.org